Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Buckwheat Experiment

Buckwheat seeds
So I am just about to perform my first Cole Creek sponsored garden experiment. I bought 10 lbs. of organic buckwheat from an online organic seed seller. However, I'm not sure the best way to plant the seeds. I don't know if I should bury the seeds under tilled soil, press them into the soil with a roller, or simply spread them onto the ground and water. I'm have a feeling the ones that are buried will do better, but I want to see if simply rolling them into the ground and watering will work just as well. Lets Go!

The Botany of Desire

Michael Pollan's book, The Botany of Desire is one of the best books I have read. It takes a deeper look into how plants have evolved to fit human needs. The book focuses on four plants that have embodied things that humans desire. Apples the desire for sweetness, Tulips the desire for Beauty, Marijuana the desire for intoxication, and Potatoes the desire for control.

Monday, February 27, 2012

For Starters...

Hello Everyone,

I decided this would be a great way to share my ideas, knowledge, progress, and provide myself with a way to keep track of my daily life. My name is Jon by the way. I guess I'm sort of wondering if I am the only one who will ever see this, or maybe it will become something big! Cheers to the founding of colecreek!